A collection of automated workflows for iOS.

The Shortcuts app runs handy automations that do tasks on your iPhone or iPad. Below is a list of shortcuts I’ve built and use regularly. To launch a shortcut, you’ll first need to install Apple’s Shortcuts app. If you try to download any of my shortcuts and get a warning, here’s how to install third-party shortcuts.
These are all free for you to use modify if you like. Please give credit if you share them.
Text Shortcuts.
- Note2Momento This shortcut lets you type a text entry for the Momento app in the Notes app on iPad and import it to Momento from Notes’ Share Sheet on your iPhone.
Photo Shortcuts.
- Rezup This utility launches from your Home screen and turns a 12mp image from your iPhone camera into a sharp, 20mp image.
Video Shortcuts.
- FPS This menu utility makes a copy of a video that’s sped up or slowed down.
- Live2Slow
- Slo-Mo Flix This menu utility creates a copy of your video slowed (including audio) to half speed.
- Double-Time Flix This menu utility creates a copy of your video sped up (including audio) to double speed.
How to create shortcuts.
Creating your own shortcuts can give your iOS superpowers that are focused on your own needs. Here are some quick tutorials on getting the most out of shortcuts.
Growing this library of shortcuts depends on your support. If you find these shortcuts useful, please consider buying me a coffee below to keep them coming.
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