Chapter 8: How can my images have GPS when my camera doesn’t have GPS?
The Leica Q2 Monochrom journal.
It’s true: The Leica Q2 Monochrom has no internal GPS. But Leica has a clever way to geotag both JPG and DNG files. Your phone (that’s with you all the time) does have GPS. And the Leica FOTOS app on your phone wirelessly relays that GPS information to the camera that imbeds it in the image file. So as long as your geolocation services on your phone are on and the FOTOS app has access, all your files will be geotagged. This was one of the appealing things about the Q2M to me and what had kept me shooting everything on iPhone instead of a full-frame sensor. And so far, it’s worked flawlessly.
There’s much discussion over whether the Leica Q2M should have a UV filter permanently on front the lens or not. This article will help you with your decision.
For those looking for a place to start with their Rabbit, here are some commands to try out. The following are all native commands any Rabbit R1 will do. Hooking up to the Large Action Model for Uber, Door Dash, Midjourney is not required, so these are basically the AI capabilities. Much thanks to the Rabbit Discord community for discovering or confirming some of these.
Chapter 23: “It’s not done.” Fear not, it never will be.
The Rabbit R1 chronicles.
There’s criticism that the Rabbit R1 (and all AI devices released to date for that matter) were released too soon and that if they had just waited a few more months it would have been perfect. Well, that’s pre-AI thinking. Anyone who bought this device for $200 and expected to press the button and unicorn spit to pour out of the speaker was mistakenly optimistic. It’s amazing how many things people swear Jesse promised on launch in the keynote back in January that flat out weren’t.
Example of a table Rabbit R1 can convert into a CSV file
Chapter 22: How to create and copy spreadsheets.
The Rabbit R1 chronicles.
Spreadsheets are Rabbit R1’s best parlor trick. And actually very useful. You can jot down the data on paper or capture a screen with the Eye and Rabbit will convert it into a .csv file and email it to you. No need to type. Once in your email, you can open the file in any spreadsheet app and work with it.