March 3, 2025

Let’s do the time, warped. Again.

Universal Time through Discomfort Designs Phantom Limb looper.

Shortwave radio is full of fascinating oddities: pirate radio, propaganda broadcasts, numbers stations, etc. Recent my friend Dan showed me a site that creates a simulation of the National Institute of Standards and Technology WWV Universal Time broadcast from Fort Collins, Colorado. After some digging, I found that the real thing was available by telephone.

February 16, 2025

Chapter 15: Simplify your editing with curves in Lightroom for iPad.

The Leica Q2 Monochrom journal.

If you’ve tried editing color images with curves in the past—you may have given up. But it turns out editing true monochrome images in curves is much simpler than editing color. Instead of those five confusing curves, you’re usually only dealing with one: the Point curve. This article will show you how simple it it to control what you’re currently using the Exposure, Contrast, Brightness, Highlights, Shadows, Whites and Blacks sliders for in Lightroom. I’ve decide not to show images and the effects the Curves have. I think it will make more sense to focus on the grid and curves themselves.

Photography Leica Q2 Monochrom
February 10, 2025

Chapter 14: Using curves to restore blown highlight in Lightroom.

The Leica Q2 Monochrom journal.

Up to this point in my photographic journey, I haven’t been a fan of curves. But I’ve found this trick from Scott Davenport to be the most useful way to start the workflow of fixing blown highlights in Lightroom for both DNGs and JPGs.

tl;dr: How turning those burned-out highlights to the lightest shades of gray will make them much easier to work with.

Photography Leica Q2 Monochrom
January 12, 2025

Chapter 13: The Domke Sling for the day’s photo forays.

The Leica Q2 Monochrom journal.

Previously I wrote an article on perfect-sized bags for the Leica Q line. A few comments came in from people who wanted a little more space to carry everything else, like a rain jacket, tablet, analog notebook, espresso thermos, etc. (We all have espresso thermoses, right?) Recently Domke came out with a 6-liter photo sling that has enough room for the Leica Q, Q2 or Q3, filters, flash, battery, etc., as well as those non-photographic essentials you might use on a day trip.

Photography Leica Q2 Monochrom
December 24, 2024

Meditation track: Binaural Beast

Face it: We’re lazy. We can’t even sit lotus and meditate today without an app or a track. The Buddha would not be pleased. But then…I’m one of us, so here’s the track.

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