The Rabbit R1 chronicles.
Chapter 10: Learning you.
Rabbit R1 will bring about a big shift in how we communicate with technology. The previous model was that humans had to communicate with computers like the technology wanted. First you had to learn to type. Then you had to name files a certain way. Then you had to follow a file structure to organize things. You even had to use strange characters to tell the computer what to do. The change with Rabbit is that you can communicate in human language. That’s a leap over our current digital assistants that don’t quite understand what we’re saying, know what we really want them to do or even have the capability to do something.
Actual example: “Hey Siri, what are Asimov’s three laws of robotics?” She responded with the canned answer of “Something about obeying people and not hurting them. I would never hurt anyone.” A nice summary, but not what I asked for. So I rephrased the question as a command: “Hey Siri, tell me Asimov’s three laws of robotics.” The response was “Let’s see if I can remember. OK. Clean up your room. Don’t run with Scissors. Always wait a half hour after eating before going in the water.” That’s cute, but neither question or command actually got me the answer I requested.
Now along comes Rabbit. It’s designed to quickly understand your intention in natural language. Currently most digital assistants listen to the whole command, wait to make sure you’ve finished and then use their AI to respond. Rabbit, by contrast, starts recording the command when you engage the button and after half a second, before you’re finished, is already processing that first half second and then the second half second and then the third. So before you ’re done saying the command and let go of the button, Rabbit may already have constructed an answer or is ready to act on the command.
From the start, your Rabbit has been built to learn you—from you. It learns your voice, your personal syntax and what you most commonly want from your conversations while the button is pressed. So your Rabbit grows accustomed to you and only you. Someone else’s Rabbit will function differently.
Rabbit also will allow you to personally train it with Teach mode. It will come pre-trained in many popular web services, but in short order, through your personal Rabbithole on the web, you can show it what you want it to do. This creates an agent that follows your moves in engaging with a web service the Rabbit OS does not come versed in. In the future when you say the name of that service Rabbit knows you want to call up that agent. It then connects and does your bidding, after you’ve given it the OK.
Eventually the plan is that you can share these agents (minus credentials) with other Rabbit users and even sell them. Since Rabbit has no apps, I see where app developers could make a business creating Rabbit agents that do complex things, like pull receipts from Rabbit, fill out your taxes and then submit them electronically when you give the OK. But I’m hopeful that sharing our agents for free becomes a vital part of the R1 community. Even though Rabbit’s are not in our hands yet, the Discord community of people who have pre-ordered (already at over 7K users) seems like they’d be happy to share.
But I’ve veered off topic. The point is that Rabbit will learn—but more importantly—it will learn from you. Over time your Rabbit will learn to serve you better and better.
Read the next chapter: The fun factor
I have no affiliation with Rabbit Inc. I’m just an early adopter. If you want to support this journey into the Rabbit, buying me a coffee below helps keep the articles coming.