Chapter 24: The Rabbit test.
The Rabbit R1 chronicles.
For those looking for a place to start with their Rabbit, here are some commands to try out. The following are all native commands any Rabbit R1 will do. Hooking up to the Large Action Model for Uber, Door Dash, Midjourney is not required, so these are basically the AI capabilities. Much thanks to the Rabbit Discord community for discovering or confirming some of these.
Audio queries.
Hold the button and then command any of these.
- What’s the weather tonight?
- What’s the top news story right now?
- What time is it in London?
- What concerts are happening tonight?
- What’s the Rotten Tomatoes score of the The Barbie Movie? I use this constantly when thumbing through the Tubi offerings to weed out the c-movies.
- What was Scarlet Johansson’s first movie?
- Sum up the plot of The Game of Thrones in two sentences.
- Who did the song Everything is Tuesday?
- Tell me a joke.
- Give me some restaurants serving Middle Eastern cuisine nearby.
- According to Happy Cow, what vegan restaurants are near me?
- Who has the best burger in town?
- What’s the closest Fresh Market to me?
- Describe the color leuchtorange.
- Count to five in Spanish.
- Tell me a Zen riddle.
- Give me that last answer like a pirate.
- How far am I from Rome Italy?
- What percent of people in the world have blue eyes?
- What are we sine words that rhyme with XX?
- Give me some synonyms for XX.
- What’s the stock price of XX? Scroll down for charts.
- What’s the cheapest flight from XX to XX on (date)?
- What’s the cost of an acre of land in XX?
- What’s 20% of XX? Nice for tipping
- What’s 12 to the second power?
- What’s 200 x 12? And what’s that answer times 26?
- As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. And each wife had seven sacks and each sack had seven cats and each cat had seven kittens. How many were going to St. Ives? Damn, she didn’t fall for it.
- What’s the price of a new Fiat 500x?
- Who has the best price on date syrup in town?
- Ask me a trivia question.
- Embark on a role-playing adventure. Then answer Rabbit’s questions.
- Tell me a story about XX. Try starting with an orange bunny.
- I’d like to play tic-tac-toe. She will tell you moves, but won’t show them.
- Let’s play 21 questions. Think of something and she’ll ask 21 questions to try to find out what it is.
- Let’s change your name to XX. Normally her default is Assistant.
Vision queries.
Open the Eye with a double click of the button. Position the Eye so the subject fills the screen. (You can rotate the camera to front with the scroll wheel.) Hold the button and ask:
- Copy this URL Point at the address bar in a browser.
- What’s this? Point the eye at an object.
- What does this say? Can translate some foreign text.
- Is this wiring correct? Can do simple inspection.
- How many calories are in this? Point at a plate of food.
- Do these shoes and socks match?
- Based on the leaves, what kind of tree is this?
- Read this letter on the screen and give me suggestions to make it better.
Check out the Chronicles. — I have no affiliation with Rabbit Inc. I’m just an early adopter. If you want to support this journey into the Rabbit, buying me a coffee below helps keep the articles coming.